Something has to be hanging it up but I don't know what. Anyway, I ran your query, and the only things that comes up is query I ran on the sys.dm_tran_sessions_transactions table which was started well after I started experiencing difficulties yesterday. Finally, as a last resort I decided to drop the table since this was just a history table on a development database but that didn't even want to go through.

Then I attempted to rename the old table to keep it as a back up, but I found it wouldn't even do that. Then I inserted the data over to this new table which worked.

That said, when it was taking too long I canceled the query and then I thought to create a temp table with the columns in the correct format. The table has about 26k rows, and I was attempting to just alter the type of two columns in place. The original problem came about when I tried to alter columns with an ALTER directly, not through SSMS. Am I looking in the correct places? Also this occurred after I canceled a long running query where I was attempting to change a column from varchar(max) to text on the table in question. Sys.dm\_exec\_requests but nothing looks to be an obvious culprit. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1222) For help, click: Either the parameter is ambiguous or the claimed (OBJECT) is wrong.

() - Lock request time out period exceeded. ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414+)&EvtSrc=.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Rename+Table&LinkId=20476 - An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (ObjectExplorer) - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Rename failed for Table 'dbo.rms_reservations_history'. If I attempt to rename it within MS SQL Server Management Studio I get the following error TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Unable to rename rms_reservations_history_bu. Hi, When I attempt to rename, drop, or anything DDL related to a particular table the query just hangs.